
1.The teacher was well-prepared arid organized in the class.

2.The lesson reviewed materials and looked ahead to new materials.

3.The prepared goals/objectives were apparent and clear.


4.The class material was explained in an understandable way.

5.The lesson was smooth, sequenced, and logical.

6.The lesson was well-paced. liming was appropriate.

7.Directions were clear, concise; students were able to carry them out.

8. Material was presented at students’ level of comprehension.

9.An appropriate percentage of the class time involved student production of English.

10.The teacher answered questions carefully, thoughtfully, and satisfactorily.

11.The teacher used English to an appropriate degree.

12.Teaching techniques were appropriate for the age and ability of students.

13.The teacher knew when students were having trouble understanding.

14.The teacher showed enthusiasm and interest for the subject.

Teaching Strategies and Applications:

15.There were balance and variety in activities during the lesson.

16.The teacher was able to adapt to unanticipated events and situations.

17.The course material (lesson content) was reinforced.

18.The teacher moved around the class, making appropriate eye contact with students.

19.The teacher knew and used students’ names.

20.The teacher positively reinforced the students appropriately (i.e. praise).

21.Students’ responses were elicited; everyone was encouraged to participate.

22.Examples and illustrations were used effectively.

23.As appropriate, drills were used and presented effectively.

24.Structures were taken out of artificial drill contexts.

25.Error perception: Teacher was aware of students’ errors.

26.Teacher’s style of error correction was appropriate, and not excessive.

Teacher’s Personal Characteristics:

27.Patience in eliciting responses.

28.Clarity of speech, appropriate tone, and audible voice.

29.Personal appearance.

30.Teacher manifests personal initiative.

31.Pronunciation, intonation, fluency and appropriate and acceptable use of language.

Teacher-Student Interactions:

32.Teacher encouraged and assured full student participation in the class.

33.The class felt free to ask questions, to disagree, to express their own ideas.

34.The teacher was able to control and direct the class with ease.

35.The students definitely were attentive and involved in the lesson.

36.Students seemed comfortable and relaxed, even during challenging activities.

37.Students were treated fairly, impartially and with respect.

38.Students were encouraged to do their best.

39.Teacher was relaxed and matter of fact in voice and manner.

40.Teacher was aware of individual, as well as group needs.

41.Digressions during the lesson were used positively and not over-used.
Compiled and prepared by Mr / Elsayed Eldawoudi –Inspector .


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

طرق تدريس مادة الحاسب الآلي

كتاب عن الوسائل التعليمية

التقويم التربوى الشامل بالقرار الوزارى 219لسنة 2009