

To be a successful Language Learner, you should develop your language skills Always bear in mind that the basic language skills are Listening, Speaking ,Reading and Writing.


(Learning to speak a language is like learning to ride a bicycle or learning to swim inasmuch as the only way you can really learn to do it is by doing it).

To develop the speaking skill , you should:

I -practise English with other students.

2-start conversations in English.

3-ask questions in English to show that you don’t understand.

4-encourage yourself to speak even when you are afraid of

making mistakes.

5-try to relax whenever you feel afraid of using English.

6-talk to someone else about how you feel when you are learning


7-practise the sounds of English.

8-use words you know in different ways.

9-try to talk like native speakers of English (like tourists or

experts .. etc).

10-ask English speakers or teachers of English to correct you

when you talk.

11- if possible record yourself speaking with another student and then listen critically to what you have said.

12- try to discover your own mistakes in speech .You can usually

remember some of your mistakes after you have spoken . This is

the time to make a note to yourself to do something about them.

13- use gestures during a conversation (body language) when you

can’t think of a word to overcome deficiency and gaps in your

language knowledge.

14- Use a word or phrase that means the same as the word you

can’t think of in English to go on speaking.

15- participate in classroom activities , co-operate with (not

compete against) your colleagues in class . This leads to

improvement in language skills, motivation and positive attitude.

16- imitate the way native speakers talk.

17- initiate conversation in English.

18-direct the conversation to a topic for which you know the


19-“ Don't worry too much about your mistakes as you may be too concerned with being accurate. Trying to be correct all the time is hard work and can stop you from communicating well. The people you speak to won’t be listening for your mistakes , but for what you are trying to say , so have more confidence in yourself”.

20- pay attention to the thoughts and feelings of other people with whom you talk in English.

21- be aware of the Features of Spoken English(Conversation) listed below:

i -conversation is not planned as a whole but develops as it goes along.

ii -it is a sort of interaction between the speaker and the listener who share information and use personal language (I, you me, we).

iii- the speaker stumbles and corrects himself.

iv- the speaker begins one statement and suddenly switches to another.

the speaker may repeat words

vi- the speaker uses pause words or syllables or fillers like ‘Well!’.

vii- the speaker makes incomplete sentences

viii- The speaker twists grammar

ix -the speaker uses contractions when possible

-the speaker uses transition expressions such as

‘In other words, By the way, Incidentally..’

xi-there are hesitations, false starts and repetition.

xii - the situation is clear to both speaker and listener

xiii -the listener gives the speaker immediate feedback, and tolerates the incomplete or ungrammatical utterances and asks for clarification if the message is nor clear

22 - bear in mind that ‘words that carry information are stressed

i.e. nouns , adjectives, adverbs, verbs . Functional grammatical words are not usually stressed i.e. pronouns, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, articles , quantifiers ‘(Susan Sheerin 1989)


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

طرق تدريس مادة الحاسب الآلي

كتاب عن الوسائل التعليمية

التقويم التربوى الشامل بالقرار الوزارى 219لسنة 2009