To be a successful Language Learner, you should develop your language skills Always bear in mind that the basic language skills are Listening, Speaking ,Reading and Writing.


**What do we usually listen to?

We usually listen to discussions, description, talks, dialogues, stories, ads, interviews, lectures, songs, directions, announcements, news broadcasts, instructions and telephone conversations.

***What are the kinds of listening?

There are two distinct kinds of listening:

a . Two-way Listening in which we have the opportunity for response .We can stop the speaker, ask questions and clarify meanings . This occurs in conversations or in classroom discussion.

b - One-way Listening in which we cannot immediately respond to the speaker such as listening to the news, a political speech on TV or on the radio . You have only one chance to get information.

*** How do we listen?

We listen either extensively for general ideas , or intensively for details.

**** How can one develop the listening skill?

To develop the listening skill consider the following pieces of advice:

1-Listen to as much English as you can using your radio BBC or TV

Channel 2or Nile Channel. Even songs can improve your listening skill.

2- Pay attention when some one is speaking in English.

3- Look for people who can talk to you in English.

4- Look at the person speaking. It keeps you focussed

5- Try to guess what the other person will say next in English.

6 - Make guesses to understand unfamiliar words.

7- Try not to translate word for word and focus on the message the speaker wants to convey.

8- Make summaries of the information that you hear.

9- Watch TV shows and films spoken in English or go to movies spoken in English and try not to read the Arabic translation.

10- Pay attention to meaning.

11- Enter new information into memory storage so as to retrieve it when needed for communication.

12- If you don’t understand something in English, ask the other person to slow down or say it again

****What are the characteristics of a good listener?

To be an efficient listener you have to:

a - keep an open mind to what others have to say, don’t let your own feelings and views interfere with your ability to listen to others’ ideas.

b -stay focussed on the topic - Bored or distracted listeners are poor listeners .Keep your mind busy by thinking about what is being said, however boring or uninteresting it is!

c -- identify the purpose and main ideas. Learn to look for repetition and emphasis through volume gestures or intonation used to draw attention to. the main ideas. Keep in mind that you don’t have to remember every detail and that the speaker states the main ideas at the beginning of the

speech and summarises the most important points at the end.

d - pay attention to facial expression , gestures and visual aids to be able to understand the speaker’s meaning and the entire context.

e - try to predict what point the speaker will make next .Raise questions and listen to find their answers.

f - keep track of main ideas that have been presented, Be careful not to lose sight of the speaker’s intention, by taking notes.

A critical listener keeps an open mind, stays focussed on the topic , tries to identify the speaker’s purpose and main ideas examines the entire context, anticipates and predicts to stay on track and reviews and summarizes what has been said” (McDougal Littell English p . 486).


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

طرق تدريس مادة الحاسب الآلي

كتاب عن الوسائل التعليمية

التقويم التربوى الشامل بالقرار الوزارى 219لسنة 2009