Reading is getting the ideas which the writer wants to communicate
2.3.1 Why do we read in English? What do we read?
a - We read for Pleasure . What ? magazines , holiday brochures , letters from friends and pen friends, headlines of newspapers , and photographs and cartoon captions, and novels and short stories.
b - We read for ~Sl~4y . What ? literature such as novels, plays , poetry . dictionaries , textbooks , indexes
glossaries , bibliographies, literary catalogues, abstracts , diagrams, reference works and graphs.
c - We read for Work. What ? job ads , instructions for use contracts , phone directories , reports , articles , catalogues,
workshop manuals , noticeboards and business letters.
- We read for Survival .What ? forms , official notices , I
bills and receipts , labels , directions , bus/ train
-9- ~1
timetables , place names, street signs and job ads.
N.B. Bear in mind that reading is the onI)’ foreign language skill that can he used and easily benefit us throughout our life. It is the most effective way to obtain informatin about what is happening in the world , about a country you intend to visit, and information for an essay you want to write and to keep up with other students.
2.3.2 To develop the skill of reading you should.
I - read for different purposes e.g. pleasure , work.. etc.
2 - make guesses to understand unfamiliar words.
3 - read without looking up every new word.
4 - try not to translate word for word.
5 - skim an English passage first (read over the passage quickly for the main idea) and then go back and read carefully.
6 - try to find clues from context or situation to grasp the general meaning.
7 - “keep the meaning of the passage in mind i-cad in broad phrases. skip unessential words . guess meanings of unknown words from context “ (Hosentield 1 977) (See Unit 5 for methods of guessing meanings).
8 - not read word by word or in short phrases.
9 - tolerate ambiguity. Don’t get frustrated by ambiguity in the language text you are dealing with.
10 - separate the key details (main ideas) from a complex or confusing background i.e. analyse tasks and find which parts are major and which are minor , classify available information.
11 - look for opportunities to read as much as possible in English.
12 - make summaries of the information you read.
13 - try to learn about the culture of the English speakers.
14 - link new information with the knowledge you have.
1 5 - train yourself in all reading subskills .These include
a - deducing meanings of words through i. dividing the word into parts that you understand ii. word formation iii. clues (See Unit 5).
Compiled and prepared by Mr / Elsayed Eldawoudi –Inspector .
2.3.1 Why do we read in English? What do we read?
a - We read for Pleasure . What ? magazines , holiday brochures , letters from friends and pen friends, headlines of newspapers , and photographs and cartoon captions, and novels and short stories.
b - We read for ~Sl~4y . What ? literature such as novels, plays , poetry . dictionaries , textbooks , indexes
glossaries , bibliographies, literary catalogues, abstracts , diagrams, reference works and graphs.
c - We read for Work. What ? job ads , instructions for use contracts , phone directories , reports , articles , catalogues,
workshop manuals , noticeboards and business letters.
- We read for Survival .What ? forms , official notices , I
bills and receipts , labels , directions , bus/ train
-9- ~1
timetables , place names, street signs and job ads.
N.B. Bear in mind that reading is the onI)’ foreign language skill that can he used and easily benefit us throughout our life. It is the most effective way to obtain informatin about what is happening in the world , about a country you intend to visit, and information for an essay you want to write and to keep up with other students.
2.3.2 To develop the skill of reading you should.
I - read for different purposes e.g. pleasure , work.. etc.
2 - make guesses to understand unfamiliar words.
3 - read without looking up every new word.
4 - try not to translate word for word.
5 - skim an English passage first (read over the passage quickly for the main idea) and then go back and read carefully.
6 - try to find clues from context or situation to grasp the general meaning.
7 - “keep the meaning of the passage in mind i-cad in broad phrases. skip unessential words . guess meanings of unknown words from context “ (Hosentield 1 977) (See Unit 5 for methods of guessing meanings).
8 - not read word by word or in short phrases.
9 - tolerate ambiguity. Don’t get frustrated by ambiguity in the language text you are dealing with.
10 - separate the key details (main ideas) from a complex or confusing background i.e. analyse tasks and find which parts are major and which are minor , classify available information.
11 - look for opportunities to read as much as possible in English.
12 - make summaries of the information you read.
13 - try to learn about the culture of the English speakers.
14 - link new information with the knowledge you have.
1 5 - train yourself in all reading subskills .These include
a - deducing meanings of words through i. dividing the word into parts that you understand ii. word formation iii. clues (See Unit 5).
Compiled and prepared by Mr / Elsayed Eldawoudi –Inspector .
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